set out

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set out

英 [set aut]

美 [sɛt aʊt]

set out基本解释



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1. take the first step or steps in carrying out an action

e.g. We began working at dawn
Who will start?
Get working as soon as the sun rises!
The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia
He began early in the day
Let's get down to work now

Synonym: get downbegingetstart outstartset aboutcommence

2. lay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line

e.g. lay out the clothes
lay out the arguments

Synonym: rangearraylay out

3. leave

e.g. The family took off for Florida

Synonym: departpartstartstart outset forthset offtake off

1. 动身;出发;启程
When you set out, you start a journey.

e.g. When setting out on a long walk, always wear suitable boots.

2. 开始;着手
If you set out to do something, you start trying to do it.

e.g. He has achieved what he set out to do three years ago...
e.g. We set out to find the truth behind the mystery.

3. 安排;摆放;陈列
If you set things out, you arrange or display them somewhere.

set out的解释

e.g. Set out the cakes attractively, using lacy doilies.

4. (清晰而有条理地)陈述,阐述,说明
If you set out a number of facts, beliefs, or arguments, you explain them in writing or speech in a clear, organized way.

e.g. He has written a letter to The Times setting out his views...
e.g. You will be given a Back To Work plan which sets out how you can best help yourself.

1. 出发:面对从A到B,一般(average)人会自动沿着最熟悉的(best-known)、明显最简单的线路出发(set out). 革新家们会寻找其他(alternate)道路,从长远看(in the long run),这些道路可能证明更容易,即使通向死胡同(dead ends),

2. 宣布:DSU或GATT的做法中,并没有与提交DSB事项有关所有请求的主张都必须在申请方第一次向专家组提交的书面文件中宣布(set out)的要求. 宣布申诉方的要求是专家组的权限(DSU第7条规范). 中,是GATTl994的有机组成部分.


3. 动身:50. hear nothing from him 杳无音信 | 51. set out 动身 | 52. cry her heart out 哭得很伤心

4. 开始:ambitious=雄心勃勃的; | set out=开始; | bind =使成一体;

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
When they set out they were well prepared.(他们出发时有很充分的准备。)
She put on a velvet veil, then set out.(她蒙上一块天鹅绒的面纱,然后出发了。)
He then set out for Virginia for what he vainly hoped would be a peaceful retirement.(于是他出发前往弗吉尼亚,徒然地希望这会是一次平静的引退。)
Jones had set out to intimidate and dominate Paul.(琼斯曾试图威胁并控制保罗。)
Get my best coach ready and set out toward the forest.(把我最好的马车准备好,向森林出发。)
I set out to buy food.(我动身去买吃的。)
She set out the reasons for her resignation in a long letter.(她写了一封长信说明自己辞职的原因。)
He set out on the long walk home.(他动身走很长的路回家了。)
Why did Marchenko and his students set out on the trip?(马尔琴科和他的学生们为什么要出发旅行?)
They all set out together on the way to the forest.(他们一起出发去森林。)
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